Staff Links
Google DOCS Login
Use this link to access the Google DOCS page for data entry, data review, and report cards. A login is required.
To access the SESIS website, click the button below. SESIS supports users in completing special education workflow processes from referral through IEP development. Please visit the DOE's intranet site (link located below the login) to access training materials and to learn more about using SESIS.
DOE E-Mail
Sign in and access the new DOE Outlook E-mail system.
Use this website to Access SANDI, FAST, and Professional Development Opportunities. The SANDI-online Assessment developed by Riverside CA County Office of Education, aligns assessment, access to grade level standards, and rigorous research-based instruction in order to specifically target individual student strengths and needs.
D75 Professional Development
Access professional development opportunities provided by District 75